Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Beach Bicycle Bunnies

Training Starts Now! 

After our 20 mile sunset beach ride, we met up with Christiaan who just rescued a litter of baby bunnies!! Christiaan's a great mommy.  He even has a blog for his babies.... (I stole three of these pics from there!)
willow mouse is the runt...


Sunlight In The Rain said...

the bunnies love you two! :)

they want to come ride a part of the trip across america!

Sunlight In The Rain said...

yo karin and debbie!!!!

robyn after party!

1154 glendale blvd, echo park
the echoplex
sat may 17th midnight - whenever

host : perez hilton
djs: robyn, jeremy scott, and jeppe

5 bucks but i think it's free with the rsvp?

i hope to see you guys there if you guys aren't busy with other friends and joshua tree!

West Caldwell Library said...

Karin is going to eat that bunny. I know she is!

Seriously, those little guys are ridiculously cute.

Unknown said...

karin, it kind of looks like you're holding a mouse in one of them tee hee. miss you ladies

shodina said...

too cute, i can't even handle it.

Unknown said...

it's not a mouse! Never say that again!

And yes I've had lapin in France and it was good.